Ir Conjugation: How to Conjugate “To Go” in Spanish

In Spanish, the meaning of ir is “to go”. The conjugation of ir in the present is: Yo voy (I go), tú vas (you go), él/ella/usted va (he/she goes, you go), nosotros vamos (we go), vosotros vais (you go), ellos/ellas/ustedes van (they, you go). In this post we’ll provide the complete conjugation tables in nine major tenses with example sentences.

Ir conjugation chrats

Ir is an irregular IR verb. This means that both its stem and endings are different to other regular IR verbs when conjugated in the present tense. This page on our website covers both regular and irregular Spanish IR verbs in detail.

Ir (to go) conjugation in the present tense.

Further down the page we’ve provided complete conjugation charts for the verb ir (to go in Spanish) with example sentences.

Ir conjugation table

Ir conjugation table

Ir usage

Ir (to go) is one of the most common verbs in Spanish. Here we’ll learn how to use it.

1. Ir + infinitive

The construction ir conjugated in the present tense followed by an infinitive is used to express actions which will occur in the near future. This is the near future tense. For example:

2. Ir + a

The construction ir + a is used used for expressing going in the direction of or to a place. For example:

3. Ir + en

In Spanish, the construction ir + en is used to express to go or travel “by means of”. For example:

To go by foot, however, is ir a pie.

4. Ir + de

The construction ir de is used to express ideas and plans. Ir de can also be used for “to wear”. For example:

5. Ir + para

The construction ir + para is used for objectives and destinations. In this context, para can translate to “for” or “in order to”. For example:

Ir (to go) conjugation in 12 tenses in

Ir conjugation charts

Present tense (presente de indicativo)

In the present tense, yo voy translates to “I go” and “I am going”.

yo voyI goVoy a comprar un coche. I'm going to buy a car.
tú vasyou goVas a la fiesta You are going to the party.
él/ella, usted vahe/she goes, you goÉl va a Madrid. He is going to Madrid.
nosotros vamoswe goNosotros vamos a cantar una canción.We are going to sing a song.
vosotros vaisyou goVosotros vais a aprender los verbos.You are going to learn the verbs.
ellos/ellas, ustedes vanthey goEllos van a México.They are going to Mexico.

Progressive present (presente progresivo)

The progressive present tense is formed by combining the present tense of estar (to be) with the present participle. Yo estoy yendo translates to “I am going”.

Yo estoy yendoI am goingEstoy yendo a la escuela. I'm going to school.
tú estás yendoyou are goingTú estas yendo al cine. You're going to the movies.
él/ella, usted está yendohe/she is going, you are goingElla está yendo a la iglesia.She's going to church.
nosotros estamos yendowe are goingNosotros estamos yendo al gimnasio.We're going to the gym.
vosotros estáis yendoyou are goingVosotros estáis yendo al restaurante.You're going to the restaurant.
ellos/ellas, ustedes están yendothey are goingEllos están yendo al baño. They're going to the bathroom.

Near future (futuro inmediato)

The near future tense is used express actions which will occur in immediate future. The tense is formed with the following construction: present tense of ir prepositon a + infinitive. For example, yo voy a ir translates to “I’m going to go”.

yo voy a irI'm going to goVoy a ir a Costa Rica. I'm going to go to Costa Rica.
tú vas a iryou're going to goNo vas a ir a la escuela hoy.You're not going to go to school today.
él/ella, usted va a irhe/she's going to go, you're going to goÉl va a ir en el centro con su amigo.He's going to go downtown with his friend.
vamos a irwe're going to goVamos a ir a la oficina.We're going to go to the office.
vosotros vais a ir you're going to goVosotros vais a ir a Portugal.You're going to go to Portugal.
ellos/ellas, ustedes van a irthey're/you're going to goEllos van a ir de vacaciones en mayo.They're going to go on vacation in May.

Future tense (futuro)

The Spanish future tense is used to describe future events. Yo iré translates to “I will go”.

yo iréI will goYo iré a Barcelona con mi familia.I'll go to Barcelona with my family.
tú irásyou will go¿Cuándo irás a Cuba?When will you go to Cuba?
él/ella, usted iráhe, she, you will goÉl irá a Londres con su esposa. He'll go to London with his wife.
nosotros iremoswe will goNosotros iremos a los Pirineos para esquiar. We'll go to the Pyrenees to ski.
vosotros iréisyou will goVosotros iréis a los Estados Unidos para estudiar.You'll to the United States to study.
ellos/ellas, usted iránthey, you will goEllos irán a México para aprender Español. They'll go to Mexico to learn Spanish.

Preterite (pretérito)

The preterite tense in Spanish is to to describe past actions which occurred a defined moment in time.

yo fuiI wentFui a Puerto Rico el año pasado.I went to Puerto Rico last year.
tú fuisteyou went¿Fuiste a Bariloche?Did you go to Bariloche?
él/ella, usted fuehe, she, you wentElla fue a Ushuaia con su amiga.She went to Ushuaia with her friend.
nosotros fuimoswe wentFuimos a Valle Nevado para esquiar.We went to Valle Nevado to ski.
vosotros fuisteisyou wentVosotros fuisteis a Bogotá para trabajar.You went to Bogotá to work.
ellos/ellas, ustedes fueronthey wentEllos fueron a Puerto Vallarta para disfrutar de la playa.They went to Puerto Vallarta to enjoy the beach.

Present perfect indicative (perfecto de indicativo)

The present perfect indicative is used to express past actions which may be ongoing and have an impact on the presnt.

yo he idoI have goneYo he ido a la escuela esta semana.I have gone to school this week.
tú has idoyou have gone¿Tú has ido Miami últimamente?Have you gone to Miami recently?
él/ella, usted ha idohe/she has gone, you have goneÉl ha ido a Paris dos veces este año.He has gone to Paris two times this year.
nosotros hemos idowe have goneNosotros no hemos ido a Cordoba esta semana.We have not gone to Cordoba this week.
vosotros habéis idoyou have gone Vosotros habéis ido a Mallorca con vuestros amigos.You have gone to Mallorca with your friends.
ellos/ellas, ustedes han idothey, you have goneEllos han ido a La Habana para comprar puros.They have gone to Havana to buy cigars.

Imperfect (imperfecto de indicativo)

In Spanish, the imperfect tense is used to describe past action which occurred regularly or at undefined times.

yo ibaI used to go, was going, wentYo iba a la piscina cuando ere niño.I used to go to the swimming pool when I was little.
tú ibasyou used to go, were going, wentTú ibas a la escuela con tu hermanos.You used to go to school with your brothers.
él/ella, usted ibahe/she used to go, was going went / you used to go, were going, wentÉl iba a la iglesia con sus padres. He used to go to church with his parents.
nosotros íbamoswe used to go, were going, wentNosotros íbamos al parque para jugar al fútbol.We used to go the park to play soccer.
vosotros ibaisyou used to go, were going, wentVosotros ibais a los Pirineos para esquiar.You used to go the the Pyrenees to ski.
ellos/ellas, ustedes ibanthey/you used to go, were going, wentEllos iban a Cancún para disfrutar de la playa.They used to go to Cancun to enjoy the beach.

Conditional (potential simple)

In Spanish, the conditional tense is used for hypothetical situations and equates to “would” in English.

yo iríaI would goYo iría al cine si tuviera el coche.I'd go to the movies if I had the car.
tú iríasyou would goTú irías a las montañas hubiera más nieve. You'd go to the mountains if there were more snow.
él/ella, usted iríahe/she/you would goElla iría a Espana si tuviera un billete de avión.She'd go to Spain if she had a plane ticket.
nosotros iríamoswe would goNosotros iríamos a la fiesta si tuviéramos una invitación.We'd go to the party if we had an invitation.
vosotros iríaisyou would goVosotros iríais a Suiza si tuvierais más dinero. You'd go to Switzerland if you had more money.
ellos/ellas, ustedes iríanthey/you would goEllos irían a los a Estados Unidos si más
tuvieran más tiempo.
They'd go to the United States if they had more time.

Present subjunctive (presente de subjuntivo)

The subjunctive mood is used to express feelings of wish, emotion and doubt.

yo vayaI goEs importante que vaya a la escuela.It's important that I go to school.
tú vayasyou goEs una lastima que no vayas a Montevideo.It's a pity that you're not going to Montevideo.
él/ella, usted vayahe/she goes, you goEs necesario que él vaya con su hermana.It's necessary that he goes with his sister.
nosotras vayamoswe goQuiere que vayamos juntos. He wants us to go together.
vosotras vayáisyou goEs probable que vayáis a Turquía.It's probable that you're going to Turkey.
ellos/ellas, ustedes vayanthey, you goMás vale que ellos vayan con nosotros.It's better that they go with us.

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David is a lifelong student and teacher of languages. When he's not working on this website, he's watching Spanish TV, practicing Spanish with the people in his community, hiking, biking or skiing.

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¡Hola! My name is David Issokson. I'm based in Victor, Idaho (near Jackson, Wyoming). I am here to help you throughout your adventures learning Spanish!