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This editorial analysis is based on “The silence around the state’s seizure of India’s press” which was published in The Hindu on 10/10/2023. It talks about how India is passing through a transitory emergency as well as a marked phase of digital authoritarianism. In this context, it appears that the higher judiciary is displaying reluctance to take decisive action.

For Mains: Press Freedom In India, India's performance in World Press Freedom Index, Importance of free press in India, Institutions safeguarding press freedom, Challenges around free press in India,Measures to ensure free press in India.

A free press plays a crucial role in safeguarding democracy and fostering a transparent and accountable government. However, recent actions against journalists associated with the online portal NewsClick, including raids, seizures, and arrests, have intensified concerns about the protection of digital data and press freedom in India.

What does the term "Press Freedom" mean?

Press freedom is a fundamental principle that allows journalists and media organizations to operate without censorship or government interference. It is a core component of freedom of expression and is essential for a democratic society.

Press freedom encompasses the following key aspects:

Constitutional Background: