Holt California mathematics

Specifically designed for California students and teachers. The California Mathematics Content Standards are unpacked, taught, and then reinforced throughout our program so that teachers can plan, diagnose, teach, assess, and intervene with the standards in mind

Course 1 : Numbers to algebra (Gr. 6) -- Course 2: Pre-algebra (Gr. 7)

Volumes for both courses include: Student text -- Student one-stop (CD-ROM) -- Teacher's edition -- Teacher's one-stop planner (3 CD-ROMs) -- Alternate openers: explorations transparencies -- Are you ready? Intervention and enrichment -- Chapter resources -- Countdown to mastery transparencies -- Benchmark tests -- Intervention -- Intervention workbook -- Homework and practice workbook -- Homework and practice workbook teacher's edition -- IDEA Works! modified worksheets and tests -- Know-it notebook -- Know-it notebook Teacher's guide (4 vols.) -- Lesson transparencies (2 vols.) -- On course mapping instruction: a teacher's guide for planning -- Questioning strategies -- Ready to go on? intervention and enrichment -- Review for mastery workbook -- Review for mastery workbook teacher's guide -- Success for English language learners -- Power presentations (CD-ROM)


tight binding
obscured text

[WorldCat (this item)]

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