Writing can be a fun and exciting time. Don’t let your head get all jumbled over styles, especially if you come across a problematic source like a blog or article with no author. Instead of losing your cool, follow these simple steps to creating a citation for sources with no author in APA 7 format.
Style guides let you wrap everything up in a nice neat package. They even cover those sticky situations where no author is listed. And this can happen on any source, including a web page, manual, article, or blog, to name a few. It’s easiest to break down the steps for each different one in APA 7 style.
Websites such as Wikipedia have multiple unknown authors. You don’t have to sweat it when it comes time for creating your works cited. Breaking down references for a web page in APA style is pretty simple.
Donald Trump. (2018, November 27). Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump
Example In-Text: While citing in-text, include the title in parentheses and the date.
(“Donald Trump,” 2018)
Imagine you found an informational article but no author. Format your citation in a snap.
Should you put zinc on a stuffy nose? (2005). Nutrition Noteworthy(7). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/75×1
Example In-Text: For an article, you’ll shorten the title (typically to 2-3 words), add the publication date, and page numbers. If there are no page numbers, use the paragraph number or heading number.
(“Should you,” 2005, para. 3)
While combing through a product manual isn’t the highlight of anyone’s evening, there may come a time when you need to source one. Follow these steps when you do:
Wrenches. (2015). How to use wrenches: User guide. Wrenches Outlet.
Wrenches Outlet. (2015). How to use wrenches: User manual. www.wrenches.com
Example In-Text: To create an in-text citation, you’ll include the company name, publication year, and possibly the page numbers.
(Wrenches, 2015, p. 25)
Blogs can offer a plethora of information and unique experiences to your article. While it’s rare, you might come across a blog post with no author. Follow these steps to cite it perfectly.
How to cite a blog post in APA style. (2016, April 5). APA Style. https://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2016/04/how-to-cite-a-blog-post-in-apa-style.html
Example In-Text: For a blog, you’ll add a shortened title and date.
(“How to cite,” 2018)
Not everything is going to have a date listed for you. If you can’t find the date, don’t spend hours trying to comb every single page to find it. Instead, you can list (n.d.), short for “no date.” For a website, this would look like:
Title of the page. (n.d.). Fake Website. www.fakewebsite.com
You might be an APA style writing master, but curveballs, like no authors, can throw you for a loop. It can be hard to figure out what to do. Don’t sweat it. Instead, take a deep breath and follow the steps to create an APA reference list entry for your source.
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