The name of this organization (employee resource group) shall be the Young Professionals Group (“YPG”).
Article II. Mission, Vision, and Values
The mission of the Young Professionals Group is to contribute to the success of early career professionals through education, training, and community engagement in an effort to foster an inclusive work environment.
Vision – To promote and support the continued development and growth of emerging leaders at UTHSC.
Values – Collaboration, community, excellence, ethics, inclusion, knowledge, compassion, professionalism, health, and respect.
Article III. Membership
- The general membership shall be open to all individuals affiliated with the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. It is the policy of UTHSC not to discriminate based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, or covered veteran status.
- Active membership shall be open to any faculty member, staff, or administrator affiliated with UTHSC who identifies as a young professional.
- While membership is free, membership is officially recognized upon completion of the annual membership form. The annual membership form will be electronic and available annually beginning in July. Interested persons may add membership outside of the membership renewal period at any time during the year by contacting Human Resources.
- The Executive Committee, through a vote of the general association membership, can elect to establish periodic assessments, for the sole purposes of supporting the agenda and mission of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center Young Professionals Group. No funds shall be utilized to reimburse any member or officer for their service to the association.
Article IV. Meetings of Membership
- Membership meetings will be at scheduled times throughout the year as determined by the Executive Committee and committee Chairpersons. The calendar year shall run from July 1 through June 30. At minimum, the organization will hold one general membership meeting per semester (fall and spring).
- The President and Vice President are responsible for the preparation of the general membership meetings. Individual members shall submit agenda items to the President and/or Vice President in advance of meetings.
- For a meeting to be recognized and quorum to be met, there must be at least the same number of general members present as the number of elected executive committee members.
Article V. Executive Committee
- There will be five officers in the Executive Committee elected bi-annually: President, Vice President, Secretary, Marketing Coordinator, and Membership Coordinator.
- Each officer must have been an employee at UTHSC for at least 1 year to be eligible to run as a member of the Executive Committee.
- Each position is elected as a sole position. Nominations for officers for the next year will be solicited at the spring general membership meeting, and in at least one e-mail through the listserv. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for seeking nominations from the membership body. These officers shall be elected by a simple majority of the votes cast by ballot, to be conducted electronically in April.
- All positions will serve a two-year term, with the Vice President assuming the President position the succeeding term.
- Membership should make a good faith effort to ensure that there is representation from faculty, staff and administrators of various units across campus are on the Executive Committee.
- Newly elected officers shall take office at the beginning of the university fiscal year (July 1 st ).
- Should the President resign, leave the University, or otherwise cease participation in the organization, the Vice President shall be appointed as interim President, and will serve out the current and following membership year as President. A Vice President shall be nominated by the Executive Committee for the duration of that membership year. Nominations will then be sought for the Vice President position during the next election cycle.
- Should any other officer resign, leave the University, or otherwise cease participation in the organization, the Executive Committee will appoint an interim member to the position until the next election cycle.
Article VI. Executive Committee Officer Duties
- The President shall preside at all meetings of the general membership and Executive Committee, is generally responsible for overseeing all of the resource group’s activities, coordinates the election process with the assistance of the Secretary, calls the meetings of the Executive Committee, and creates and appoints any ad-hoc committees.
- The Vice President assumes the duties of the President at the end of the University fiscal year; the Vice President performs President’s duties when President is unavailable. The Vice President is responsible for all facets of the budget and financial liability for YPG. They will maintain financial records; receive and disburse funds; record payment of any collected fees and dues (if established); prepare a monthly Treasurer’s Report for Executive Committee review; and answer questions that auditors may have regarding review of the YPG’s financial records.
- The Secretary keeps records of all General Meetings and the Executive Committee meetings, tracks the number of people attending YPG events, and reviews and maintains a copy of the current bylaws.
- The Marketing Coordinator is responsible for updating the website, developing and implementing a social media strategy, and collaborating with the Membership Coordinator and Committee Chairs on creating any marketing materials needed to promote YPG events.
- The Membership Coordinator shall be in charge of maintaining membership listserv, roster, and demographic information; will welcome and inform new members about upcoming activities; will work with the University Human Resources department to continue to promote YPG as an employee resource group (ERG); and will assist with general marketing and publicity of the organization activities, such as the newsletter (if established).
- The Executive Committee will determine distribution of any funds that are secured for the purposes of assisting with the function of the organization. All budget expenses must be approved by the Executive Committee through a majority vote.
- The Executive Committee will develop and maintain an Operations Guide which will provide a detailed guide of position descriptions and how each position operates.
- The Executive Committee will establish and update a goals and objectives statement each year that shall be provided to the general membership to best understand the purpose and mission of the organization.
Article VII. Committees
- All committees shall be made up of interested membership by the general association.
- The Executive Committee shall appoint committee chairs by general consensus.
- The Executive Committee shall make a good faith effort to distribute committee chairs across various units that make up the general membership.
- All committees will report to the Vice President.
- Standing Committees shall include:
a. Networking Committee
i. The networking committee will be responsible for creating social programs throughout the year that encourage opportunities for membership to network with other members of the group.
b. Professional Development Committee
i. The professional development committee will be responsible for facilitating programs and activities that enhance members’ knowledge, training, and skills that will assist with individual and professional growth.
F. Ad hoc committees may be created as the President or Executive Committee decides.
Article VIII. Amendments to By-Laws
- Any active member(s) may submit a proposed amendment(s) to these Bylaws to the President of the YPG. The proposed amendments must be submitted in writing or electronically.
- Proposed amendments shall be presented to the membership body for vote and must pass with two-thirds approval of ballots cast. Voting shall be conducted electronically and be open for a period of no less than one week.
Adopted by Young Professionals Group at the University of Tennessee Health Science: 4/9/19
Steering Committee Members included: Xavier Agee, Tyrone Baker, Jr., Natalie Brewer, Daniel Cox, Dustin Fulton, Michael Herr, II, Anesha Jones, Sophia Mosher, Brittney Murray and Cynthia Vincent.
Contact Us
YPG Human Resources Liaison
Brittney Murray