10 Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Hotels [Updated for 2023]

Digital marketing for hotels and the hospitality industry, in general, isn't easy. Constantly increasing competition, not just from new hotels, but also from online travel agencies (OTAs) provides challenges to hotel digital marketers who are striving for more direct bookings in 2021.

With almost 2 decades of hotel digital marketing experience, we felt it was only right to share some of the insights that have been successful for our clients during this time, through the period of Covid-19, and what we have learned since. In addition, we have new tips and hacks that we believe will be a powerful weapon for hotels in 2023 and allow them to reduce the long term reliance on OTAs.

Here's our list of the top ten hotel digital marketing strategies in 2023

1 - Forget about organic reach on social media - those days are over

In January 2019, Mark Zuckerberg publicly stated that in an attempt to reduce commercial content from invading news feeds, Facebook users will now see much less of this content with a focus on posts by friends and families instead. With this in mind, hotels need to re-think their posting strategies on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

With less people likely to see the content posted, daily posts on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are not required. Instead, hotel digital marketers should consider creating higher quality content coupled with content that can be sponsored for greater commercial impact and demonstrable return on investment from your target audiences.

2 - Correct budget allocation is your key to success

The allocation of marketing budget for hotels is an ever-changing animal. Over the last decade, (most) hotels have made large shifts in budget from offline channels such as print and radio to more measurable online marketing channels. However, the vast number of hotel digital marketing options available now to marketers, presents a new challenge.

The major hotel digital marketing options available today are listed below:

The challenge today for most hotel digital marketers is budget dilution across the digital channels, which unless your hotel has huge limitless budgets, is a real problem. Budget dilution can occur when a marketer attempts to use small amounts of budget across a wide number of channels rather than higher, more impactful budgets across carefully selected channels. With more and more hotel digital marketing channels becoming available, marketers will need to be extremely disciplined with how they allocate budget moving forward. Unless larger budgets can be allocated to hotels, marketers also need to carefully consider building owned assets such as customer email databases or blogs that can generate a large and loyal following for them.

Typical Budget Allocations for Hotels in 2023

To avoid budget dilution, hotels with a low-moderate advertising budget should consider budget allocation similar to the below (image 1):

Digital marketing for hotels - budget allocation example

Image 1 - Recommended digital marketing allocation for hotels in 2023

3 - Email marketing can be an incredibly powerful tool - if used correctly

There's a common misconception from many hotel digital marketers that email marketing is an ineffective marketing tool but the reality is very different. For many years, email has been an often overused marketing channel that has been abused by many (bad) marketers who have using spamming techniques to mass market. A consequence of this is that email open rates are declining and continue to decline. But that doesn't mean that emails still can't be used in an efficient and effective way by hotel marketers. After all, we all rely on email as a way of communicating in both our business and personal lives. The time spent within our inboxes is increasing and certainly not decreasing. It's therefore important that marketing emails are professionally written, designed and broadcasted with highly relevant content to each individual recipient.

Today, email recipients only want to receive emails that are relevant to them and their needs and expect businesses to be able to understand the difference between content that genuinely has meaning to that individual and content that does not. Hotels, therefore need to make a better effort to (a) understand the needs of their customers and (b) be able to categorise this and build and segment this data so that it is usable for marketing purposes.

We recently provided hotel digital marketing services to a well-known 5-star hotel brand in Dubai to help them make better sense of their data and by doing so get a much better understanding of their guests and their needs. This involved the implementation of a CRM and tracking system that linked all digital touch-points for guests including the website, email marketing, social media and requests that helped to define their every need. The immediate impact of this was streamlined online marketing effort, increased volumes of customer data collected and the ability to draw a straight line between marketing activity and direct revenue generated from this activity.

4 - Beat the OTAs at their own game and create loyalty while doing so

Every hotel we speak to share a desire to decrease their reliance on online travel agencies (OTAs) and increase direct bookings. After all, direct bookings mean more revenue for the hotels. The challenge for most hotels is that they don't tend to have the resources, budgets or online marketing expertise that the OTAs have at their disposal, which is why the likes of Booking.com and Expedia continue to grow revenues at the expense of hotels forced to pay a commission to ensure that their rooms are occupied.

So, what's the solution?

It's actually not too difficult. Here's a look at an example marketing workflow (image 2) that the OTA's use to entice users to make a booking:

OTAs Workflow

Image 2 - Typical user journey originating from Google / other search engines

While the above scenario is very simplistic in its approach, a large percentage of bookings taken by OTAs will follow a very similar route. The above also helps us to identify potential opportunities for hotels to disrupt the OTA booking flow. It's obviously difficult for hotels to play a role in the booking process unless they have the ability to understand that a guest is looking to make a booking. We've highlighted the 2 areas where hotels can influence the booking process (in orange in image 3 below):

OTAs Workflow (2)

Image 3 - Opportunities for hotels during the booking process

If a hotel manages to get a potential guest to their website during any one of those 2 stages, the hotel can start to deploy its own user journey or booking workflow similar to the example below (image 4):

Hotels Workflow - Compete with OTAs

Image 4 - Opportunities for Hotels to disrupt the online user booking journey

Image 4 above, shows how a guest's search and booking intent ties into hotel digital marketing opportunities that include email, social media and search. But there's still one major advantage that the OTAs have over hotels, especially if that guest has never stayed at the shortlisted hotel before. The way that OTA's track the behaviour of those in their database takes advantage of the latest technology and provides real insights into how the average traveler books hotels. For example, if a user already exists on the OTAs database (along with hundreds or millions of other travelers), it is very likely that every action including website visits, searches (locations and dates), email (opens and clicks) are tracked in a consolidated and sophisticated CRM tool. In addition, other touch-points such as mobile site or mobile application visits, telephone calls and even SMS interactions will all be tracked in the same tool. This data is then analysed and manipulated so that timely messages to each guest can be communicated to drive revenue.

This is a significant advantage for OTAs as most (not all) hotels do not have access to this type of information. Therefore, even if a user is searching for a hotel within a city for the very first time, if they land on the OTAs website (and are a part of the OTA's customer database), this user can be tracked and communicated to in a highly personalised way via app messaging, email and social media - even if they did not complete the booking or add any personal contact data during the process. Hotels generally don't have databases of this size and magnitude, let alone the tracking capabilities to automate this type of mass, yet-personalised, communication.

What do hotels need to do to keep up with OTAs?

There are 2 things and none of these should break the bank! The first is to license a marketing automation platform that allows the hotel to start tracking and behaving like an OTA when targeting guest bookings. Example platforms used by our clients are HubSpot or IBM's Watson Marketing platform. The second is to invest in data collection opportunities. OTAs have the advantage of owning large databases purely from previous guest booking activity but hotels need to work harder. Unless your hotel is a part of a large international group of properties, it's unlikely that you have a database that will help you attract new guests. That's where tip number 5 becomes important.

5 - Content is king but hotels still ignore this

We're sure you'll agree, it's getting boring how often we hear the term "content is king" but surprisingly, this is still ignored by most hotels that we speak to. And we think we now know why hotels still don't seem to get it. The reason is that 'content' as a term is far too broad to make meaningful sense of. Today, we refer to content as website text, images, videos, Facebook posts, Instagram images, stories and more but content needs to be classified and understood better so that hotels and other business can place importance on the type of content that will be most effective for them.

Let's bring this back to the hotel room booking scenario. When you or a potential guest visits a hotel website what options are we normally placed with? It's normally the following:

The majority of hotel websites do not offer a visitor any more than the above. So aside from making a booking, what value does a hotel website offer to guests (assuming that the guest has no interest in subscribing to a newsletter (that will probably never arrive anyway)? The answer is none. For website visitors, this is a genuine 'take it or leave it' offering. And this is a significant miss.

A hotel in 2023 should be looking to build a relationship with every visitor to their website. Here's why: As images 2, 3 and 4 show, most users will not make a booking the very first time they visit a website. This includes both hotel websites and OTA websites. Today's guest is empowered and has access to vast amounts of information and the majority of guests will search for more information (e.g review sites) before making a commitment. The current hotel website scenario basically ignores guest that isn't prepared to make a booking on their very first visit.

Content is the bridge that most hotels don't build

Hotels need to change the 'take it or leave it' offering that is currently in place and this can be achieved by offering greater value to website visitors with the use of new and engaging content. For example, if a potential guest visits your website for the very first time, has searched for availability but not yet made a booking, the hotel could offer that guest something of value instead. For example, a free City Guide or Tourist Guide would help the guest plan their trip better. Many tourists would be happy to either receive or download a guide especially during the early stage of planning. Many would be happy to exchange just an email address for this.

Once a hotel has an email address, many opportunities open up. For example, personalised communication can now be sent to the guest with information relating to direct booking, offers or even general information that will help to strengthen the relationship between the guest and a hotel. In addition, the email address can be used to market directly to the guest using platforms such as Social Media and Gmail via list marketing opportunities. Hotels can be highly creative once they start communicating with individual guests in a highly personalised manner and by using this data with a marketing automation tool such as HubSpot or IBM Watson's Automation platform, your tracking and analysis efforts will help to unlock revenue opportunities that would otherwise go elsewhere.

6 - Nature v Nurture? In the world of digital marketing, nurture always wins!

The nature v nurture debate is a long standing one and "is the scientific, cultural, and philosophical debate about whether human culture, behaviour, and personality are caused primarily by nature or nurture". Depending on your own personal beliefs, nature is widely seen as the winner. In the digital marketing world though, we can use technology to manipulate actions and decisions using nurturing workflows.

How does it work?

It's fair to say that at one point or another, we've all been 'nurtured' online. This could include, automated follow-up emails to enquiries that may have been submitted, retargeting messages (or banners) or any other branded response to an initial action by a user such as a website visit. While many e-commerce companies use nurturing to great effect (e.g. Amazon), in the travel and hospitality business, the only companies taking advantage of this seem to be the OTAs - but even they don't seem to have mastered the art of customer nurturing.

So, what can hotels do better?

Before we start, it's important to define exactly what nurturing would mean to a hotel and potential guest. In our minds, nurturing is the process that allows a hotel to maintain communication with a potential customer (hotel guest) during the exact stages from initial enquiry/search to final room booking. We've already identified above that there are numerous stages of the booking process typically undertaken by a guest before making a room booking. But what does a hotel typically do to influence a decision during this process? The reality is that most hotels don't tend to do too much.

One hotel that does engage in an aggressive nurturing program is the Wynn in Las Vegas who have two properties attached to the same website (Wynn and Encore)

Wynn Digital Makreting 2018

The Wynn nurturing program has been intelligently designed and leverages the following tools:

The website is simple in that it allows users to search for availability and prices, while highlighting the benefits of a user joining the Wynn Insider program, which is a members only section of the website, where users can obtain additional promotions and offers. For many guests, room price is always a strong influencing factor when selecting a hotel room and the Wynn Insider program highlights this with clear and intelligent copy ("Instantly save 15% off"). Enrollment to the Insider program is very simple and can be completed with ease. In case the user still isn't convinced that they should sign up, there's an instant reminder of the price differential and savings on offer. I expect that conversion from this page will be extremely high.

Wynn Digital Marketing Strategy

Once you become a member, the nurturing program begins. It's clear that the hotel's website has sophisticated user-tracking tools embedded into it. The tools can therefore track availability searches (including room type, dates and number of rooms required) and link these directly to the individual making the search. Just having the ability to track this data produces a large number of marketing possibilities for the hotel, which can be embedded into an integrated nurturing program that includes the following: